View of the future

Doutsen van Gosliga 26 sep 2017

The environmental issues nowadays are getting more severe every minute. It’s time for a wake-up call. There are many ways to deal with this situation, but unfortunately not all those measures are being supported by the society.

Placing more windmills across the shore and the main land is one of the solutions for conquering the environmental crisis we’re in. However, many people react negatively towards the idea, with ‘Horizon pollution’ as their motive.
They think windmills cause their view to be less ‘pretty’ and therefore don’t want the massive mills anywhere near their being. It is somewhat understandable that they don’t want a windmill in their backyard, but to protest against placing them – by example – across the dike is quite egocentric in my opinion.

Just because you in your relatively short life don’t like the sight of the aforementioned objects, your future generations shouldn’t have to pay the costs. Of course we would rather be looking at nature at its finest, not requiring a big metal mill in it, but without windmills and other measures there will be no nature left to look at in the future. Is that what we want?
We are in a huge crisis and every possible solution towards a cleaner environment is worth a try.

It’s time we stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about our future generations, we are irrelevant in this equation. I would be willing to have a windmill placed in my backyard if that’s what it takes to save the Earth from a slow and painful death.
Of course I can’t convince everyone to think the way I do. We are a selfish society, and the downfall of the Earth we live on is inevitable due to the terrible way we took care of it the past years – and still do.

I sincerely hope there is human life on one of the other planets in this universe. Maybe they will be capable of the task we failed to do, take care of a fragile planet. Otherwise, the universe might be better off without humanity.
But for the time being, let’s all be a bit – quite the understatement – more selfless and give are future generations air to breathe, ground to walk on and animals to inspire them.

Mother Earth is not dead yet, let’s keep it that way.